Let's me preface this by saying I'm very, very, very, very pregnant right now and even the simplest task of sitting at my desk building a blog story is exhausting...I'm not going to lie! I've been sick almost every day since mid-July and that has taken it's toll on me mentally and physically. I don't feel like myself at all. Creativity sparks are few and far between when all you can think about is trying to feel better. So, I'm pretty proud of myself for staying true to my resolution of doing another 365 Day In The Life of my family and life. It's February 22 and I've not missed a day - hooray! Baby #2 is due anytime now and I can't wait for all sorts of reasons. I figured I needed to get the images from the month of January out in the world before I'm busy doing things like laboring. Enjoy, my friends. xo
happy october!
We love dressing up around here, so we are very excited that it's October! Bring on the caramel apples, pumpkin pie, scary movies, and costumes. Can it be Halloween everyday?

sleep marks.
my little gardener
We are starting our Fall garden this morning. Sloane was so excited to help mix the soil. She's a natural gardener! She loved the dirt so much that she told me that was what she wanted to eat for breakfast.
23 months is...
Yesterday sweet Sloane became a 23 month old. We are one month away from her 2nd year. Wow. I want to slow the clocks, but at the same time I'm so excited for every new milestone and every new adventure that lay ahead for this amazing little girl. Today, we spent a quiet morning watching airplanes, playing peek-a-boo, examining flowers, twigs, & rocks, and cuddling when loud trucks drove by.
Oh, I love the rainy nights....
“You're growing up. And rain sort of remains on the branches of a tree that will someday rule the Earth. And it's good that there is rain. It clears the month of your sorry rainbow expressions, and it clears the streets of the silent armies... so we can dance.” - Jim Carroll.
Welcome to the first blog post on my new website! This blog will be a home for both personal stories and client stories. It had been months, literally, since I had been under a rainy sky and I was about to shrivel up like a prune. I crave rain. Finally, there was a change in the air. Change is good. Rain is good. Both excite and energize me, put a little more pep in my step, make me feel alive! When I saw those first few drops coming down, my husband and I ran outside with our daughter, Sloane. She was in heaven - dancing and splashing around. It was a perfect moment. She loves the rain just as much as her mama does. The storm passed too quickly, but we sure enjoyed it while it lasted.