February Project 365...

Seeing as it's almost April I figured it was about time to blog February's Photo of the Day project. It was a very long month of waiting and hoping to go into labor. I was so ready to not be pregnant anymore. We spent our days pouring lots of love on Sloane since we knew she wasn't going to be our only baby for much longer. 

January 2017 Project 365 .....It's been too long....It's good to be back!

Let's me preface this by saying I'm very, very, very, very pregnant right now and even the simplest task of sitting at my desk building a blog story is exhausting...I'm not going to lie! I've been sick almost every day since mid-July and that has taken it's toll on me mentally and physically. I don't feel like myself at all. Creativity sparks are few and far between when all you can think about is trying to feel better. So, I'm pretty proud of myself for staying true to my resolution of doing another 365 Day In The Life of my family and life. It's February 22 and I've not missed a day - hooray! Baby #2 is due anytime now and I can't wait for all sorts of reasons. I figured I needed to get the images from the month of January out in the world before I'm busy doing things like laboring. Enjoy, my friends. xo

Project 365 // March // Phoenix Lifestyle Photography

It's only March and I'm already getting a little behind on editing and posting my Project 365 images. But, that's ok. I'm still shooting them everyday, so I'll catch up eventually.

March was a extra fun month. Margaux turned one year old. There were fun birthday parties and rock climbing. We had family in town for a full week. Sloane got to connect with her cousins that she so rarely gets to see. It was really special to watch them get to know one another. They quickly bonded and had a blast together. 


Project 365 // February // Phoenix Lifestyle Photography

February. I'm glad it's said and done, honestly. We were sick most of the month, but we managed to have some fun, too. We taped hearts to our dirty windows for Valentine's Day. We went to the zoo and the Renaissance Festival. We went to urgent care and the ER, as well. What a month. Here's to maybe some cooler temps (please weather gods?!) and healthy bodies in March. 

Project 365 // January // Phoenix Family Lifestyle Photography

Once again I've decided to do a photo a day for the entire year. I'll be documenting my personal life for this project - mostly family related moments. I do this for my family, for my daughter, for myself - to remember the little, everyday fleeting moments that are so important to me. I want to look back at these images recalling my daughter's little toes or my husband's amazing laugh. I will be posting here once a month with our daily images. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!