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mentoring & education

1-on-1 education session $350

This is a 2-hour session to discuss whatever you want to learn! This could be used to fine-tune your camera skills, brush-up on editing techniques, learn how to play with light, etc. We build your session around your needs.

1-on-1 mentor session $500

This is a 3-4 hour session encompassing technical skills along with the creativity and business side of photography. We will go in-depth on any variety of topics you want to focus on within these parameters. Topics include, but not limited to: finding and shooting for your style, attracting and booking clients that fit your aesthetic, workflow, setting goals, pricing, social media, lighting, editing, websites, and constructive critique of your portfolio.

Mentor session with live model shoot $700

This session includes everything mentioned in the mentor session above with the addition of a live shooting session. We will photograph a model, a couple, a family, or a product - whichever you'd like! The live session will last approximately one hour covering all of your session questions. 

Additional hours added for $100/hr