February Project 365...

Seeing as it's almost April I figured it was about time to blog February's Photo of the Day project. It was a very long month of waiting and hoping to go into labor. I was so ready to not be pregnant anymore. We spent our days pouring lots of love on Sloane since we knew she wasn't going to be our only baby for much longer. 

Project 365 // January // Phoenix Family Lifestyle Photography

Once again I've decided to do a photo a day for the entire year. I'll be documenting my personal life for this project - mostly family related moments. I do this for my family, for my daughter, for myself - to remember the little, everyday fleeting moments that are so important to me. I want to look back at these images recalling my daughter's little toes or my husband's amazing laugh. I will be posting here once a month with our daily images. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

23 months is...

Yesterday sweet Sloane became a 23 month old. We are one month away from her 2nd year. Wow. I want to slow the clocks, but at the same time I'm so excited for every new milestone and every new adventure that lay ahead for this amazing little girl. Today, we spent a quiet morning watching airplanes, playing peek-a-boo, examining flowers, twigs, & rocks, and cuddling when loud trucks drove by.